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Torah portion Lech Lecha – (Go for yourself) 5782 and the letter Bet part 2 Dageshim: the sole difference between the letter bet and the letter vet is the presence or the absence of the dot in the middle of the letter (called a dagesh mark.) This dot means the letter is pronounced as a “b”, otherwise pronounce it as a “v”.   The sages say that 1 hour in the world to come is more than all the lives of this world but there is not one hour in the world to come that can match one hour of...

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Torah Portion Noach (Noah) 5782 The letter Bet The second letter of the Alephbet is bet. It has the value of 2. Bet means house, it has a roof, a floor, a back wall and a door and it means duality. Aleph stands for the Father and bet represents the son. Bet Lechem (Bethlehem) means house of bread and Yeshua is the Bread of Life, so there is a clear connection to the letter bet. The word Father – is Av (spelled aleph bet) and the word for son is ben (spelled bet aleph nun-sofit). When we put the letters...

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Torah Portion B’reisheit (In the beginning) 5782 It is so exciting to be stepping into a new cycle of the Torah. Each year we get another opportunity to refresh our learning, to look with new eyes on the Living Word and to gear our hearts up to learn new revelations and dig just that much deeper to find what Father has hidden for us. This Torah cycle I would like to start looking at the letters of the Hebrew Aleph Bet so that we can begin to understand the depth of HaShem’s Word and the glean just a small taste...

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Nitzavim 27 Elul 5781 Deuteronomy 29:9(10)-30:20* Isaiah 61:10-63:9 John 12:41-50   Since I have been walking this road of Father’s Ancient Olam, I have come to love, more and more, the wonder of His times and seasons. So much so, that what used to be extremely foreign to my physical and spiritual self has now become an integral part of my life each year, with more meaning and a greater impact on my walk. I remember when Shabbat was foreign and learning to rest was a real struggle and now if anyone asks me to do something that requires the...

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This parashat is always read at the beginning of Elul and it specifically addresses issues to do with prophet, priest and King (Yeshua).   The pashat [surface meeting] - is that the leaders would be at the gate to give advice and judge who came in and out - to enforce the decisions. On a deeper level we are all like a city - we all have gates (eyes, ears, mouths) we need to set before each of our gates - judges - to judge the things we allow in or out. Deuteronomy 17:14 “When you come to the land that...

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